Augmented Vision Systems: The What, Why and How of Integrating Advanced Vision Applications into Today’s Safety Critical Platforms
PRESAGIS Embedded Graphics team, in partnership with CoreAVI, recently delivered a 2-part webinar series titled “Augmented Vision Systems: The What, Why and How of Integrating Advanced Vision Applications into Today’s Safety Critical Platforms”. Experts in the avionics graphics field talked about how augmented vision systems are becoming increasingly popular in today's embedded platforms and how modern sensors provide a much needed technology boost to new and refreshed airborne systems alike. They also discussed how augmented vision systems differ from augmented reality (AR) systems and computer vision systems. They presented examples of advanced vision system from the commercial world and discussed how to enable them in the safety critical embedded space.
The first part of the webinar series targeted engineering managers and business development executives as its audience. It explored the different types of augmented vision systems, how they differ from other types of vision systems, and how augmented vision systems increase safety, reduce risk, reduce training, and increase deployment efficiency. They also explored what it would take to migrate some the augmented vision systems from commercial space into the domain of safety critical systems.
The second part, which was more technical and geared toward engineers, had a more in-depth approach into the graphics, compute, and HMI technology of augmented vision systems. They explored the issues of latency, correlation and coordinate conversion and how to integrate safety critical augmented vision technology effectively into your application.
Visit PRESAGIS' YouTube channel or click on the links below to watch the recordings of the webinars.
Augmented Visions Systems
Augmented Vision Systems Webinars
The What, Why and How of Integrating Advanced Vision Applications into Today’s Safety Critical Platforms