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ARINC 661 Part 1 User Application Development

ARINC 661 Part 1 User Application Development

Rapid development of accurate and consistent systems and display interactions


Presagis’ tools support the ARINC 661 Part 1 standards for CDS and UA development. CDS developers can easily create or modify standard or custom widgets while developing a CDS and a widget library.

UA developers can lay out and generate data definition files for the UA. Developers using MathWorks Simulink®, IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® or other similar tools or techniques to develop the UA system model can use UA Accelerator to link the widget/layer layout process with development of the UA system model, reducing development time by synchronizing the layout design and the system model.

UA Accelerator also automatically generates C++ code for the MMI Logic interface for the UA, supporting good engineering practice by separating UA business logic from user interface logic.

ARINC 661 Part 1 UA Development Suite

Presagis ARINC 661 Part 1 Development Suite is an integrated, end-to-end workflow environment for the entire lifecycle of ARINC 661 Part 1 systems development: from requirements specification, design, and development through deployment and maintenance. The Suite provides a seamless workflow between development environments for the Cockpit Display System (CDS) and the User Application (UA) so you can create certifiable systems faster and more easily.

With the complete Presagis ARINC 661 Part 1 Development Suite, an end-to-end runtime environment can be deployed both in a simulation and test environment in development labs and in embedded systems aboard aircraft.

ARINC 661 UA Development Suite

The UA Development Suite with MathWorks Simulink® and Presagis VAPS XT 661 Part 1 Module addresses the challenges of UA development and simplifies the process of making ARINC 661 Part 1 certified systems.

The UA Development Suite integrates with your existing tools and processes to de-risk and accelerate the creation of certifiable systems. By splitting UA systems and UA UI development into two distinct parts, systems experts can focus on system requirements and behaviors, and UI designers can focus on UI development using system values instead of low-level ARINC 661 Part 1 messaging.

This new, abstracted architecture supports best practices recommended in ARINC 661 Part 1 supplement 5 and uses a model-based design environment: both the system part and the UI part are developed with modeling tools to simplify the complexity of development.

The ARINC 661 UA Part 1 Development Suite comprises:

  • Simulink, used for the modeling, validating, and testing of UA systems;
  • UA Accelerator (UA2), which creates a logical bridge for mapping ARINC 661 Part 1 messaging that drives the CDS to UA System responses;
  • VAPS XT 661 Part 1 Module, which is used for Definition File creation;
  • UA Emulator (UAM), which enables you to simulate a CDS to completely test and validate UA systems independently of CDS development.