Logiciel de sécurité et de mission critique pour les applications aéronautiques
La sécurité est la première préoccupation pour chaque phase de la production lors de la construction d'avions commerciaux ou militaires. Il n'y a pas de marge d'erreur; la précision est critique.
Les conseils pour le cycle de développement de tout logiciel embarqué dans les équipements embarqués sont parmi les plus contraignants pour le développement de logiciels dans le monde. Chaque ligne de code intégrée dans un système aéroporté doit être testée et vérifiée et doit être conforme à des directives rigoureuses d'exactitude, de cohérence, de vérifiabilité et de compatibilité.
En conséquence, les processus de certification associés à la production de code intégré ont causé des frais généraux énormes pour les développeurs en avionique.
Les kits de certification Presagis réduisent drastiquement les efforts nécessaires pour obtenir la certification DO-178 dans des applications critiques pour la sécurité, telles que les graphiques de cockpit. Ils éliminent les tâches chronophages représentant des centaines d'années-personnes et plus de 35 000 fichiers. Les ingénieurs système peuvent se concentrer sur le comportement et les tests du système, tandis que le kit inclut les preuves nécessaires pour les détails de niveau inférieur.
Disponible pour les systèmes conventionnels et ARINC 661.
DO-178C Development ProcessTools for DO-178C/ED-12C certification can be categorized as either:
- Development tools that will produce code that will fly in the aircraft or
- Verification tools that will be used as part of the certification process to verify or check steps but will not produce code that will fly in the aircraft.
DO-178C/ED-12C states that the qualification of a tool is necessary when processes of DO-178C/ED-12C certification are eliminated, reduced, or automated. Tool qualification requires demonstrating a tool’s conformance with DO-178C/ED-12C in the same way that the developer’s end product is to be certified.
Concerning the qualification of software development tools, DO-178C/ED-12C goes further to state that the development processes for such tools should satisfy the same objectives as the software development processes for airborne software. As a result, the software level assigned to the tool should be the same as the level for the airborne software that it produces.
The main advantage of using a qualified tool is that you can automate or reduce the level of effort spent on certification, and these reductions can be achieved only by using “qualifiable” development tools. Using non-qualifiable tools will not reduce the effort of final certification because you will be forced to undertake all of the documentation and testing as if no tool had been used, a process that is both time consuming and costly.
The benefits of working with VAPS XT-178 & VAPS QCG
- Rapid prototyping with VAPS XT allows you to easily model graphics and generate executables.
- Iterate HMI designs with ease as you send multiple HMIs and revisions to suppliers.
- Reduces the complexity of code generation.
- Automation means fewer specialized skills.
- Create once and then reuse VAPS XT-178 and VAPS QCG to port across multiple HMIs.
Both VAPS XT-178 for C++ coded applications and VAPS QCG for C-coded applications from Presagis have been developed to conform to DO-178/ED-12 as a development tool and are thus qualifiable. DO-178/ED-12 stipulates that tools can only be qualified on a given project, and VAPS QCG has been qualified on a number of projects using the VAPS QCG Certification Kit, while VAPS XT-178 was qualified on programs using the VAPS XT-178 Certification kit.
With VAPS XT-178 and VAPS QCG, a user can automate a number of processes and reduce the level of effort spent on certification. Some of our customers gave us feedback that they were able to achieve time savings of up to 70-80% across an entire project. The time savings included factors such as, the number of engineers working on the project, developer experience, and the complexity of the actual application being built.
Presagis technical services can provide you with turn-key solutions for your Certification needs.
Issues related to graphics performance and optimization could be difficult to pinpoint and resolve, particularly when it involved the collaboration of several components from different vendors. Systems integrators require rapid response and timely fixes for any issues they may face when developing their next generation embedded platforms.
Presagis offers HMI modeling tool and software that integrates effectively with graphic drivers, operating systems, CPUs and many different types of GPUs, including those provided by Intel, S3 Graphics and NVIDIA. Furthermore, Presagis offers you turnkey solutions that perform the integration for you.
Our turnkey solutions allow for:
- Ease of integration. Integration of the graphics stack is tricky and subject to a myriad of possible problems. We can perform driver integration to give you the peace of mind of an integrated stack creates and thus creating fewer opportunities for these problems to occur and provide a higher chance for easy success of integration.
- Efficiency. A well-thought out integrated stack uses resources, including CPU, GPU and memory more efficiently than discrete components that are developed and integrated separately.
- Ease of certification. When you let Presagis perform the integration, there is a lower chance that issues encountered during certification will include a mismatch of requirements between the HMI and drivers.
- Provide the test evidence on your hardware platform.