Modular approach on simulation models/plugin allows system designers to break the big problems into smaller pieces.
At the same time, this enables the reuse of these models for other purpose. This brings speed, agility and innovation in designing or adapting solutions for a new purpose. By its concept and principles, Modular Architecture based system-of-system design allows the Solution to evolve over its life cycle leveraging new technologies.
All sub-systems are COTS or designed and built following a Modular Open Systems Approach and leverage only Open Standards which can integrate/interoperate easily with any GOTS software using these industry standards.
As an example, the Presagis HELI CRAFT simulator is interfaced with a Radar and an IR sub-system. These sub-systems are actually interfaced to the helicopter simulation over HLA and can be replaced with other sensor simulations from third parties or GOTS sensors -- as long as they comply with the HLA dataset exchanged between the sub-systems. Likewise, the IR, Radar and visuals of the helicopter are correlated since all three sub-systems use the same data source for the terrain information through the OGC CDB interface.
For more information, visit our Presagis MOSA page.