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Osan and Kunsan, South Korea

Osan and Kunsan, South Korea

A V5D Content On Demand Database

Osan and Kusan, South Korea

Presagis is pleased to offer this CDB format database to help streamline your content creation through the addition of assets and 3D terrains.

Database at a glance:

  • Size: 6 Geocells (74,352 sq/km)
  • Highest resolution Imagery: 50cm
  • Features: 01 Airport, hydrography, power lines, night scenes, terrain and culture data (materialized)
  • Format: OGC CDB

Ideal for use with Presagis Products.

name Osan and Kunsan, South Korea
coordinates 127.0 36.5
extents 126.0 35.0 128.0 38.0
geocells 6
square_KMs 74352
cost 12000
imagery__name imagery
imagery__finest_LOD 8
imagery__resolution 5m/0.5m
elevation__name elevation
elevation__finest_LOD 2
elevation__resolution 30m
raster_material__name raster material
raster_material__finest_LOD 8
raster_material__resolution 5m/0.5m
procedural_buildings 21357
ground_lightmaps TRUE
culture_has_material_maps TRUE
hydrography TRUE
powerlines TRUE
GT_trees TRUE
road_network TRUE
airport TRUE
airport_specs__name Osan Air Base Kunsan Air Base
airport_specs__code RKSO RKJK
airport_specs__quality High High
airport_specs__runway_lights TRUE TRUE
airport_specs__GS_taxiways_and_markings TRUE TRUE
Simulation-Ready Environments. Now.

Simulation-Ready Environments. Now.

V5D Content On Demand gives you immediate access to simulation-ready databases of dozens of locations around the world.

Whether you are working on a new region of the world and need specific location data, or are updating an existing 3D environment, Content On Demand gives you quick and easy access to detailed and accurate databases.